From NPR:
A third of Americans 65 and older will need a year of nursing home care in their lifetime, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. A semiprivate room today can cost some $8,700 per month — and it’s generally not covered by Medicare. Long-term care insurance exists, but it's deeply unpopular with older Americans. So, many seniors dip into their retirement or savings to get the care they need, while others apply for Medicaid, which has its own challenges.
The choices are especially daunting for small farmers, according to Robert Moore, an attorney and researcher at Ohio State University’s Agricultural & Resource Law Program.
“I tell farmers all the time: There are no easy solutions to long-term care planning,” he said.
Moore called long-term care needs one of the biggest threats today to small family farms.
He said farmers go to great lengths and years of planning to protect their land in their golden years. But with soaring costs and an aging boomer population, he expects the problem to only grow.