From Modern Healthcare (Link:
The White House is teaming with Microsoft and Google in a bid to help hospitals strengthen their cybersecurity in the face of escalating hacks.
Microsoft is making free training and support available to rural hospitals, the company said in a news release. It is also offering hospitals designated as critical access or rural emergency institutions a discount of up to 75% on security products designed for smaller organizations. Some larger rural hospitals already using Microsoft will get its most advanced security suite for free for a year, the company said.
Google intends to offer free endpoint security advice to rural hospitals and nonprofits and create a funding pool to support software migration, said Taylor Lehmann, director of the office of the CISO at Google Cloud, in a statement. It is also launching a pilot program with four or five rural hospitals to develop security packages that meet their specific needs, according to Lehmann. Lehmann additionally pointed to a 75% discount on endpoint management software for nonprofit organizations.